AGM 2019 - And farewell of our longterm director and founder of SwissCham Norbert J. Schweizer OAM

The newly elected Board v.l.n.r.

Bernhard Hurzeler, Ricardo Haselbach, Norbert Schweizer (retired), Peter Pluess President, Phil Hocking, Annie Xu, (Carmen Trochsler SA/Andreas Wyder WA not in the photo)

Farewell of Norbert Schweizer OAM

Norbert was a founding member of our Chamber and the longest serving director on the SwissCham Board. He was appointed on the 28th May 1985 and after making significant and very important contributions to SwissCham for 34 years, he has decided to take it a little bit easier and step down from our board. In recognition of his valuable achievement for the Chamber, he was also recognised with the prestigious Swiss Business Life Time Award on the 27th February 2019.

On behalf of my fellow directors and all our members, I’d like to take this occasion to sincerely thank Norbert for his amazing loyalty and excellent support for so many years – well done!

Here are a few earlier and current photos of Norbert (and Sonia) that we would like to share with you.

Martin Scarpino