to 15 Feb

Up Coming events Swiss Cham Events 2025 (click here)

  • SwissCham (by appointment only) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sydney, 20 Feb 2025, Swiss Business Award Gala Dinner (NSW State Library) (click here)

Sydney, 6th March 2025, Ladies Luncheon at the Consulate of Switzerland (tbc)

Sydney, 11th March 2025, AI event with Argenti, tb (confirmed)

Sydney, 13th March 2025, Ladies Luncheon at twith Consul General (confirmed)

Sydney, 13th March 2025, SwissMix with Swiss Entrepreneurs (confimred)

Sydney, 17th March 2025, Board Meeting / Swissotel (confirmed)

Perth, 18th March 2025, Dinner event (confirmed)

Sydney, 25 March 2025, CMRI, Board Room Lunch at UBS, (confirmed)

Melbourne, 27 March 2025, V-ZUG, Swissmix (confirmed)

Sydney, 15 April 2025, Rose/UBS Breakfast Event, tbc

Sydney, 19 May 2025, AGM, Location tbc, (date confirmed)

Sydney 26 May 2025, NSW Golf Day, Lakes Golf Course, (confirmed)

Melbourne, 18th June 2025, Swiss Mix at Hall and Wilcox, (confirmed)

Sydney, 1 Week July, 40 year Celebration, tbc

Sydney, 10 July, 2025, Ladies Lunch, Tbc

Syndney, 14 July 2025, Board Meeting, Swissotel (confirmed)

Melbourne 25 July, Ladies Lunch, tbc

Sydney, Sept, Board Room Lunch with Novartis confirmed (Date confirmed)

Sydney, 22 Sept. 2025, Board Meeting, Swissotel, (confirmed

Melbourne, 27 Oct, RMGC (tbc)

Syndney, 24 Nov 2025, Board Meeting, Swissotel (confirmed)

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Up Coming events Swiss Cham Events 2023
to 1 Jan

Up Coming events Swiss Cham Events 2023

Sept 2025, Melbourne, World Chamber Congress (confirmed)

24th Aug, 2024, Adelaide, Euromix (confirmed)

29th Feb, 2024, Sydney, SBA Night (confirmed) click here for your tickets

28th Feb, 2024, Adelaide, Chin Chin Euromix (confirmed) click here

13th Dec, Sydney, Board Dinner, by private invitation only

7th Dec, Adelaide, Chin Chin Euromix (confirmed) click here

4th Dec, Syd, King Island Excursion, tbc - Limited seats - by personal invite only

28th Nov, Brisbane, Swiss Mix (tbc)

25/26 Nov Melbourne, Swiss Festival, confirmed

20th Nov, Melbourne, RMGC, ABB, Lindt, Ambassador Golf Day, confirmed, click here

16th Nov, Sydney, Euro Cruise, confirmed, click here

15th Nov, Sydney, Board Room Lunch with Swisslog, confirmed,

9th Nov, Perth, Swiss mix, confirmed, invite will go out soon

31st Oct, Australia, SBA Nomination 2023 closing

31st Oct, Melbourne, Swiss Mix with Sigvaris, confirmed

30rd Oct, Sydney, Board Meeting, Swissotel, confirmed

11th October, Sydney, BRL UBS, confirmed (sold out),Oct , Sydney, Why do Business in Australia, tbc new date in 2024

Oct, Sydney, AI the risk for you and your Business, tbc new date in 2024

Sept/Oct Glencore Mine Visit, tbc

19th Sept Sydney Swiss Mix, Hotel CBD, sold out, registration closed

3rd Sept to 9th Sept, Switzerland, Trade Delegation, confirmed, registration closed

30th August, Adelaide, Euromix, registration closed

21st August, Sydney, Board Meeting, Swissotel, confirmed

6th August, Sydney, Swiss National Day with Bundesrat Ignazio Cassis, confirmed, sold out

1st August, Sydney, Swiss National Day Dinner Celebration, Swissotel, confirmed, sold out

26th July, Adelaide, Cheese Master Class, Sydney Markets, confirmed, sold out

24th July, Sydney, Golf Day, The Lakes Mascot, confirmed, sold out

19th July, Melbourne, Ladies Lunch VIC, confirmed, sold out

8th June, Sydney, Swiss Mix, confirmed, sold out

6th June, Sydney, Ladies Lunch NSW, confirmed, sold out

31st May, Sydney Board Room Lunch, UBS, delayed to October 11th

29th May, Sydney, Board Meeting, Swissotel, confirmed, internal

24th May, Brisbane, Swiss Mix, confirmed,

22nd May, Canberra, Embassy Dinner, by personal invitation only, confirmed, sold out

4th May, Perth, Wine Tasting, PwC,

3rd May, Sydney, Swiss Entrepreneurs, Lord Nelson,

17th April, Melbourne, Swiss Mix, Hall and Wilcox, after AGM,

17th April, Melbourne, AGM, Hall and Wilcox confirmed, by invitation only

13th April, Melbourne, SAAN event

5th April, Sydney, Breakfast Series, with MK, Business Migration, confirmed,

31st March, Melbourne, ADX Conference confirmed, please visit official website for registration

23rd March, Sydney, Rooftop Bar, Swissmix, sold out

14th March, Sydney Board Room Lunch, Nestle, confirmed, sold out

8th March, Adelaide, Swiss Ballet Event, confirmed, sold out

23th Feb, Sydney, Euromix, confirmed, sold out

16th Feb, Melbourne, Euroxmix, confirmed sold out

16th Feb, Perth, Euromix, cancelled

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"The business case for embracing stakeholder capitalism - why genuine investment in ESG is your next competitive edge."
12:00 pm12:00

"The business case for embracing stakeholder capitalism - why genuine investment in ESG is your next competitive edge."

Register ==> here

Board Room Lunch with Dr. Elizabeth Armstrong, Principal of IthacaImpact

Dr. Armstrong holds a PhD in the role of the private sector in contributing to social outcomes and peaceful communities from the University of St Andrews. She holds Masters degrees in Natural Resource Economics and Peace and Conflict Studies.

She has earned her reputation for turning concepts into on-the-ground impacts over a range of high-level positions in the private, for-purpose and public sectors, including:

  • as a consultant, providing strategic advice to private and public sector clients in Australia, Europe, and contested contexts in Africa and the APAC region

  • as a strategic advisor in the Australian foreign service and on international affairs for the Australian Prime Minister’s department in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Africa

  • establishing and leading the highly regarded multi-donor Peace Support Fund during the transitional and post-coup periods in Myanmar

  • as the lead designer for the Women’s Voice and Leadership Programme for Global Affairs Canada.

    She brings a dynamic understanding and tested experience helping businesses manage the increasing risks posed by environmental and social realities; shifting public and stakeholder expectations; and, emerging human rights standards and international best practice approaches in fragile or emerging environments. She is an expert advocate for how businesses can pragmatically and profitably contribute to achieving the SDGs, and a member of the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education's Working Group on Business for Peace.

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Advisory Board CEO, Louise Broekman, Webinar
11:00 am11:00

Advisory Board CEO, Louise Broekman, Webinar

Louise Broekman , Founder and CEO

Louise Broekman is an award-winning entrepreneur, researcher, and business advisor with industry and government recognition for her contribution to the Australian business sector. Louise has the unique advantage of having been on both sides of the table; in the shoes of a founder and that of a chair of multiple advisory boards.

After establishing an advisory board in 2005 for her own business, Louise recognised first-hand how a well-run advisory board can positively impact CEOs and the business at large. Upon exiting her multinational business, Louise served as chair for commercial advisory boards before starting her second business.

Now, as the founder and CEO of the Advisory Board Centre, Louise facilitates leading executive education programs for incredibly ambitious, progressive, and committed advisory board members, supporting their professional development and in turn, the businesses that they serve.

click here to join

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Sustainability and Hospitality - SwissCHam APAC Webinar
5:00 pm17:00

Sustainability and Hospitality - SwissCHam APAC Webinar

In the context of the pandemic and throughout 2021 the Swiss chambers of commerce in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region intensified exchanges and collaboration on several initiatives. The most tangible and immediate results were generated in the form of co-hosted and co-attended regional events, such as the Roche Webinar organised by the Swiss Thai Chamber of Commerce.

While the evolution of the overall scope and nature of SwissCham APAC collaboration is work-in-progress, we felt a common platform facilitating the organization of a series of events throughout 2022 would be highly valued in order to create opportunities for cross-border networking, exchanges and teamwork.

Click here to register ==> here

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SwissCham Ladies Lunch with Jules Brooke at Bei Amici NSW, Darling Point
12:00 pm12:00

SwissCham Ladies Lunch with Jules Brooke at Bei Amici NSW, Darling Point

Click here to register directly (limited seats only) ==> here

Jules is the founder of Handle Your Own PR and She’s The Boss. 

Handle Your Own PR is a DIY PR service for business owners. Using her online PR Accelerator program and PR SaaS platform, Jules’ students have been on TV, radio, magazines and newspapers nationally. Many have gone on to huge success in their business.

She's The Boss has grown since the start of the pandemic in 2020. There are online zoom lunches and Learning Table events with female founders, real life networking events, two podcasts; She’s The Boss Chats and She’s The Boss Leaders. She’s The Boss also has a YouTube channel and all the media features interviews with wildly successful women in business from Australia and around the world.

Jules is passionate about making female founders and women doing extraordinary things in business more visible.

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