Microprism Optics with a different Focus

Dr. Michael Christian an Optometric Physician has created Microprism Optics into a dynamic vision practice in the heart of vibrant South Yarra, Victoria. He sees patients from all around Australia and overseas. He and his team are dedicated to finding the best visual solutions for their patients so that not only the eyes are in focus but also mind and body. Essentially Microprism Optics facilitates an integration of the whole person to focus that has positive outcomes on lifestyle. Michael is the pioneer of Quantum Ophthalmic Optics or QOO, pronounced as the letter Q. His PhD lays out the groundbreaking platform of this new way of prescribing eyeglasses. His book was published In Focus: Vision, Mind & Body, Balboa Press 2016. He also is board certified as a Doctor of Integrative Medicine  by the Board of Integrative Medicine in Canada (BOIM) and has been designated a Doctor of Humanitarian Services by the World Organisation of Natural Medicine based on WHO Charter. Over twenty five years he has been an independent researcher who has collated practice based evidence for the betterment of the public’s vision and eye health. Michael has just recently completed his Specialist Certificate in Clinical Leadership at the University of Melbourne and is dedicated to serving the public and business community for greater insight and healthier outlooks on life. The possibilities to teach and integrate with sustainable business are now presenting themselves here and abroad.

Martin Scarpino