Esport Capital

Esport Capital has bought together, vetted and selected the largest cohort of esport teams & organizations in Australia, all of whom are actively looking for the opportunity to promote reputable brands and/or content to a hard-to-reach large Millennial audience.

With their first cohort of 15 teams, Esport Capital already has an immediate reach of more than 1.6 million active Millennial followers and 8 - 14 million Impressions every month with an average engagement time of 12.5 mins offering in essence, one of the lowest cost / highest impact avenues for market leaders like  …(Nestle)…….  to connect directly and for prolonged durations with this elusive but strategically important target demographic of Millennials (18y - 34y).

Esport Capital provides advertisers with a fully scalable quantity of Australia’s premier esport teams, events and organizations never before assembled, in one convenient place allowing companies to:

  • Grow brand awareness with a highly target Millennial audience who aren’t exposed to traditional media such as television, print or radio.

  • Create long lasting relationships with an audience who are avid ad-blockers and skippers.

  • Broadcast a unified coherent message across multiple channels such as Twitch, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to a rapidly growing audience.

  • Provide of all this in a safe manner that protects your brand by monitoring and ensuring agreements and compliance. We don’t entrust brands to algorithms, its real humans working together in the digital age

For more details please refer to     

Kim Hanson, mob: 0411 169 644   Email:

Reference articles:

Martin Scarpino