Carmen Trochsler to join SwissCham as Board Member as of 1.1.2019

Bio Carmen Trochsler

 Carmen Trochsler is a Swiss Lawyer and Business Consultant. Born and educated in Switzerland, she spent a decade working in the Swiss Legal System prior to moving to Australia. Her last position was within the Swiss Federal Department of Justice and Police, delivering legal services and advice to the Head of Department and managing federal legislation projects, successfully liaising with staff across all departments, international agencies and stakeholders.

 Carmen is currently managing Rural Surgical Servicesa unique service in South Australia designed to provide continual surgical cover to country residents. In this role she is overseeing specialist services across major hospitals in country South Australia and has been responsible for service growth, efficiency improvements and development of effective working relationships across the state.

 Recognised during her recent MBA studies with the Hender Consulting price for outstanding achievements in managing contemporary organisations, Carmen is known for her open and pro-active approach and her passion to improve organisational performance in a sustainable manner and with a holistic view.

 Carmen is one of four elected Australian members of the Council of the Swiss Abroad, a role that contributed to grow her network across industry, research and politics. She was instrumental for the planning and implementation of new communication channels to increase visibility and dialogue within the community.

 Carmen is admitted to the Swiss Bar, holds a Master in Law from the University of St Gallen and a Master in Business Administration from the University of Adelaide.


Martin Scarpino